Privacy Policy
Direct Marketing Policy
2. Overview
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the Company markets to their clients and prospects in a way that respects their privacy, respects their interests and ensures the client or prospect has given us the necessary consent to market to them directly, thus ensuring the Company is compliant with section 69 of the POPI act.
3. ScopeAll employees, contractors, consultants, temporary and other workers at Health Matrix, including all personnel affiliated with third parties must adhere to this policy. This policy applies to clients or prospective clients of Health Matrix.
4. Policy Statement
5. Consent
The processing of personal information of a data subject for the purpose of direct marketing by means of any form of electronic communication, including automatic calling machines, facsimile machines, SMSs or e-mail is prohibited unless the data subject:
- Has given consent
- They are a client/customer and the processing of their data is of the clients best interest
the Company may only approach a data subject taking into account the below:
- Their consent is required
- If they have not previously withheld consent
- the Company may only approach a data subject once
The subjects consent must be requested in the following ways:
- Opt-in on the Company website
- Manual opt-in form
- In the Company client contracts
- In written consent either via a signed document or in email.
Each opt-in form needs to clearly state that the collection of such consent is for the purpose of direct marketing, if this is not stated, the Company may not process this information for the use of direct marketing.
8. When is processing of personal information for direct marketing purposes allowed?Processing the personal information of a customer or data subject is acceptable if:
- The contact details of the client was obtained when a sale of a product or service is made
- For the purpose of direct marketing similar products that is in the clients best interest
- For the primary purpose of marketing only
- The client or data subject has not refused to receive communication or has previously opted out.
All direct marketing communication must contain the following:
- Details and identity of the sender (or the person on whose behalf the communication has been sent)
- An address or contact details to which the recipient may send a request to stop receiving such communication
- Optionally, an opt out button that directly links to the Company CRM system
It is recommended that all communication come from the marketing/sales department in order to ensure a central hub for direct marketing compliance. The marketing/sales department will also make use of best practice direct marketing systems that simplify the process of complying and to ensure every single marketing communication is aligned with section 69 of the POPI act.
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